Farmer with Hemp Bud

How the 2023 Farm Bill Will Impact the Hemp Industry

As conversations heat up around the updated Farm Bill, many are left wondering how this piece of new legislation will impact the hemp industry. Industry professionals agree that changes in regulation and clarification on existing regulations are needed to meet the changes the hemp market has faced in recent years. But what exactly is on…


Why Do COAs Matter?

When shopping for a hemp product, the term Certificate of Analysis (or COA for short) may appear. While this may just sound like another fancy marketing term, a COA is actually a valuable tool shoppers can use to pick a high quality hemp product that best fits their needs. In fact, COAs matter in a…

CBD American Shaman Water Soluble Tinctures

Top 5 CBD American Shaman Tinctures You Don’t Want to Sleep On

Tinctures are a versatile and delicious way to incorporate the properties of hemp into your daily routine. At CBD American Shaman, we take pride in offering our customers some of the highest quality (and most tasty) options on the market. While there are many different kinds of tinctures to choose from, there are 5 fan…

Farmer with Hemp Bud

An Update on the Hemp-based Housing Industry

Although we are only partway through 2023, the hemp-based housing industry has made exciting strides. The biomass availability on the market has helped expedite research and preliminary building projects exploring the long-term use of hemp as a modern building material. Multiple projects have arisen from the desire to utilize hemp to meet housing demands, each…

Hands Holding CBD Oil

An Eye Opening Look Into the Hemp Products on American Shelves

Do you know what goes into your favorite Hemp Products? Leafreport recently published a report where it was found that more than half of all tested hemp products – sampled from a wide range of options to get the best possible reading on the current marketplace – have Cannabinoid content different from that listed on…